Looking for more opportunities to raise heart consciousness?
The Nurtured Heart Institute
THE LOVE PROJECT: The Love Project’s mission is to support families and individuals to have a more consistent, joyful, and community-centered service life.
~ HEARTH ~ Heart Earth Ancestral Rituals To Heal
Around the flame of life, we remember and embody our divine nature
May we resonate to elevate and celebrate the light beings that we are. May we remember and embody the healed state. Around the hearth, each heart arrives fully on earth to receive, listen to our felt senses and honor our ancestral bloodlines.
“We have long had a vision of creating a sacred space where people can come to return Home to themselves and remember the sacred within. When we found the land here, we knew that Life wanted this too. It is our great honor to share this beautiful “peace” of paradise.” - OUR MISSION: To provide a beautiful venue for retreats and events that inspire a deep sense of connection with one’s soul, with community, and with nature.
Dr. Dan Siegel:
A unique description of a healthy mind and how it emerges from INTEGRATION
Practical steps to strengthen the mind and build integration
A single perspective on the mind, brain, and relationships, not found anywhere else
A scientifically woven foundation for bringing in all fields of research to understand psychological change
A home for ALL forms of therapeutic schools